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foto vendemmia 20142014 VINTAGE

We read a lot of undesirable news about this unusual harvest. We will remind  it long time for the difficulties indeed.
An agronomist, with more than 60 vintages under his belt, told us not to mention one so much difficult: his statement made us think about.
In the past a less naughty season than this one could give grape growers some higher problems .
Clones of sangiovese were planted and wine-growing systems were ran more aimed to the yield  than to the quality of the production, this made vines/grapes much more vulnerable than today’s.
Today, the existing expertise and cares we devote to the vines allow us to protect them, defend them and grow them strong and healthy, in the best conditions to give a high quality production.
We still lack intercession on behalf of the climatic conditions that allow the natural and essential ripening process of grapes.
These vintages reveal who did a good job in the vineyard : such a kind of climate might become more frequent in future, knowing how to face will be the value distinguishing a clever agronomist.
Vintage 2014: although it will not be marked by excellence first, it will reserve some good surprises, we trust it!    In the same way as early September we chose to remove and not to use some grapes from our vines, after few sunny weeks (we have not had hail and we had little rain in the month of September) we could harvest some sound and good grapes, and the winemaker is excited about the last grapes just harvested today!
Definitely this vintage required a big work and effort by us in the vineyards, yet it is now promising a good wine, a genuine and elegant Chianti Classico, maybe evocative of the most traditional Chianti Classico.
That will be a good reason to remind the vintage 2014!

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